Sewing classes
There is a wide variety of sewing classes at Make it Fab to suit all abilities. From one to one sessions to classes for complete beginners to open studio time for people to work on their own projects.

Beginners’ sewing classes
Perfect for people who have never used a sewing machine or have a very long gap since they last used one. You will come away with a new skill, sense of accomplishment and something to show for your work. We run a range of classes including tote bags, simple skirts, bunting and cushion covers.
Prices for these classes vary according to project and length of time. The price covers everything you need, including refreshments and materials

Beginners’ Dressmaking
Perfect for people who feel they have the basics covered and want to start their clothes making journey! These classes cover measurements, pattern cutting and simple size alterations. But more than this you will get an amazing sense of accomplishment and something amazing to wear. “This old thing – yeah, I made it.” never gets old! We run a range of classes including PJ bottoms, jersey tops, skirts, dresses and dungarees.
Prices for these classes vary according to project and length of time. The price covers everything you need, including your own pattern to take home, materials and refreshements.

One 2 one sewing classes
If you would like some focused one to one time to really get to know your sewing machine or to get to grips with a particular skill you can book a private lesson. We can cover any of the projects we offer in our sewing classes or you can bring your own. With these sessions you will have access to sewing, overlocker and coverstitch machines, a cricut digital cutter and haberdashery and notions.
One 2 one sessions are £25 an hour. As with all our classes refreshments will be available to keep you fuelled!

Private parties
What are you celebrating? A birthday? Getting married? Having a baby? It’s March and you’re bored?
We can cater for groups of 5 to come and make something together. These sessions are perfect for a mix of abilities, you can choose from making one thing together (like bunting or a baby blanket) or make your own keepsakes of the day (like tote bags or cushion covers).
These three hour sessions include everything you need, including refreshments and materials for £150.