Accessibility at Make it Fab

Accessibility at Make it Fab is incredibly important to me. I strongly feel that sewing is a basic skill that everyone should have access to and a start is making sure I break down as many of the barriers as possible to getting involved with Make it Fab.

What do you need?

Before I go into what I have done to improve accessibility I want to ask everyone reading this what they would like to see at Make it Fab. What would make things easier for you? I am 100% sure there are things I have not thought of but I am always looking to improve!


Make it Fab is situated on the Upper Newtownards Road. There is parking on the drive and we are only a couple minutes from the bus stop. The studio itself is on the ground floor with step free access.

Sewing Machines at Make it Fab. Brother Innovis 15


The machines at Make it Fab are all computerised. This means that they can be used with a foot controlled peddle or with a stop start button on the machine. I chose the model to make them easy to use but also give a range of options for different tasks.


There is step free access to toilets at the studio. Unfortunately it is not a large cubicle but I am planning on making it fully accessible in the next year.

Seating area at Make it Fab. A large brown corner sofa with blue, green and cream scatter cushions. Blue wallpaper on the wall with oranges and lemons

Quiet Space

There is a large seating area at Make it Fab for people who can find they get overwhelmed. This is where the tea and coffee is so you are in easy reach of a refreshing drink and some headspace.

The Make it Fab Promise

People work at different speeds. Many people have auditory processing issues that make instructions trickier to follow and some people have fine motor impairments. I don’t want anyone to feel rushed in a session. If you don’t get the make finished in the class the Make it Fab promise is that you can come back to the studio during Open Studio Hours, free of charge, and and finish your project.

Photo of Abigail (a woman with brown hair and glasses wearing a blue dress with white spots and yellow buttons) giving instruction to child with long blond hair.

Clear instructions

I start each session with an explanation of what we are doing. For the autism friendly sessions I also draw this out on a board to refer back to. I aim to use clear, non jargon filled language and check in with participants they are happy with the instructions. There are no stupid questions at Make itFab – regardless of however stupid you think your question is! Ask away and I will do my best to clarify and explain.


There is no judgement at Make it Fab – I want everyone to feel like the studio is a safe space to unleash their creativity and have a bit of fun. If you have particular requirements please don’t hesitate to let me know.

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